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Delivery of a Turkish Rail Mold Transfer Cart


Main Parameters of the Trackless Transfer Cart

Load capacity: 6T

Tabletop size: 3000x2200x500mm

Power supply method: battery power

Special requirements: 5 degrees of climbing for trackless transfer cars

Rail Mold Transfer Cart Factory
Rail Mold Transfer Cart Factory

Client Company Profile

The client company is an alloy technology company limited, mainly dedicated to the manufacture, processing and sales of metal products and solar panels, so the items handled are also mainly its related products.

Rail Mold Transfer Cart for Sale
Rail Mold Transfer Cart for Sale

Main Technical Requirements

The transfer cart has a climbing degree of 5 degrees, no other special requirements. The customer has purchased a battery-powered transfer cart from our company before and used it well, so he purchases one again. He requires the transfer cart to come with the functions of encountering people, stopping when encountering obstacles, emergency stop button, sound and light alarm, forward, backward, left turn, right turn, 360-degree rotation in place, etc.

Rail Mold Transfer Cart Supplier
Rail Mold Transfer Cart Supplier

Brief Description of the Project

The customer uses a trackless transfer cart to transport mainly abrasives for transfer between workshop and warehouse. The transport distance is short, but the transport frequency is high, so the stability requirements for the transfer vehicle are relatively high, and the other thing that we pay more attention to is the power supply length of the battery, so we deliberately add two more spare batteries for the customer to ensure the working hours.

Rail Mold Transfer Carts
Rail Mold Transfer Carts

Customer Evaluation
Perfect Transfer Cart Ltd. for our equipment manufacturing green energy-saving trackless electric transfer cart, after the use of proof, the performance of the transfer cart is stable, scientific structure, good operating condition, energy-saving effect Significant, running time can reach our expectations, the overall effect of the transfer cart has far exceeded our expectations, than the first custom more satisfied, the service is also more and more thoughtful and comprehensive.

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